Steven is one of those young men who see nothing wrong in wearing a blue cashmere jumper and white shirt after hours and this should surely have alerted fellow drinkers that worse was to follow. It's always been the smart ones who are trouble! Rumours are like chips, plentiful and needing a pinch of salt, but if it is true that he is a fan of Phil Collins, what tunes I wonder did he urge the stricken DJ to spin? Something from Buster perhaps or No Jacket Required. "Coming in the air tonight" would be too cruel even for such an obvious scally.
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
The Middle of the Road
Monday, 22 December 2008
Don't look backlash
The backlash exists to complete a clear certain but slippery sequel, that is to say the stuff you were sold on Monday is proved to be poor and hollow on Friday and whose original existence serves only to demonstrate the need to be vigilant and sceptical, even as we cling to a new and breathtaking development. This is at work in the production of news, it is not a hunger it is a meal and it's timing is predictable. Two examples of the backlash, the first is the rather dismal reviews for the new film about Hunter S Thompson. His drug habits and his expanding ego are not pleasant prospects but for years he has been lionised for writing outside the loop and now the loop has closed mercilessly. The second would be the banking crisis. "No-one saw it coming" being the current cry but more accurate might be "no-one was looking" and in this case the backlash is based on a gathering mental momentum that says that only banks can avert further crises because only banks know how to invest money. Now which part of the word "bankrupt" did we not understand the first time?
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
I hate moving on....
Now a similar dread is invested in me by the use of the words "moving on" except that now these woeful words are to be found not in the echelons of middle-management but in the political vocabulary, now showing signs of filtering down into the voluntary sector and at chief executive level. Our last Prime Minister made it something of a catchphrase, and I am reminded of someone like Jim Bowen frowning through his bi-focals and saying " aren't they a smashing couple ladies and gentlemen now step up have a listen to Tony" and why did we not listen to Tony because that "moving on" started with the house in Bristol and ended with a war. The plea to "move on" became another way of saying "can we please forget that this ever happened" and beneath such a fancy lies the tacit admission of error, blind ambition and the probable stain of blood on the hands.
Friday, 12 December 2008
War Crimes Exclusive
Inspector Hound of the Metropolitan Police said that the case was a difficult one. "In the end we were left without a leg to stand on" he said "as were many of the people involved - this was a case that should never have been bought" he continued "assistance never arose because most of these people had no wish to die". Mr Brown declared himself very relieved "It's not as if I held a gun to anyone's head" he said "I got Corporal Atkins to do that".
Sunday, 7 December 2008
I love my Mum
Lunchtime soon and I've done a bit of manual, clearing all the leaves from the garden. Very nice too.
Monday, 1 December 2008
Police State - just you wait!
Actually if there were signs of a Police state they might be found in the rather revolting fluorescent bibs about "Community Payback". Being forced to wear something is always a bad sign....