Monday 1 December 2008

Police State - just you wait!

The business with the Conservative MP looks a little heavy handed. But then since when does the police do anything by halves? I can remember Mrs T. berating people (she meant liberal people) who "whine about how much they care" and she could so easily have been speaking about Cameron and Osbourne. This is not yet a Police state, although it shows many of the qualities of a one-party state but that's as much the fault of the opposition. Cameron has been wetting his knickers about the state of Britain for far too long and it's hard to feel much sympathy for his caring credentials when they are set against his "Broken Britain" campaign. Britain is not really broken, it has some bad habits that's for sure (an over-emphasis on consumer values is one of them and no sign that Dave intends to redress that). Zimbabwe is broken. Iraq is broken (and Dave would have carried on with that one too - he can't wait to get inside a tank and not a water-tank either). Playing the patriotic card means not trying to spook the nation for the sake of a few thousand votes in the middle ground.

Actually if there were signs of a Police state they might be found in the rather revolting fluorescent bibs about "Community Payback". Being forced to wear something is always a bad sign....

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